Mom ·
Happy Mother's Day Weekend
A Special Dedication
Since this is my very first blog entry, and it's mother's day weekend, I thought I'd reshare part of a newsletter I sent out a couple years ago.

Mom and me in the studio at Bell Trace
To my mom, Gingie Haley (1934 - 2020), from whom I inherited my love for all things fiber art! Her infinite patience (seriously, teaching small kids how to do fiber arts takes crazy amounts of patience!), and her constant encouragement have accompanied me on my fiber art journey from the start. They have, in fact, given me the courage to pursue my dream of doing art full time. The joy you see on our faces in the picture above demonstrates the delight we always felt when crafting together.My mom took me to my first hooker camp! Yep, that's a real thing. We even donned our camp headlamps - takes up way less space in our packs than an Ott light, and puts the spotlight right

What a joy it was to spend a week with each other and about 100 other rug hooking enthusiasts, novice to expert, learning (new tricks?) from each other and sharing our love of this traditional art form. For this experience, I will be forever grateful. It was at hooker camp that I learned about color theory and design principles, tested new ideas in an enthusiastic and loving environment, and realized that I would almost always rather be hooking! That I got to share that experience with my mom for nearly a decade was priceless. Love you, mom!
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